Monday, December 29, 2008

merry christmas and happy new year!

first off: [late]
my christmas wasn't really good. was yours? i am in the philippines during christmas not that fun as i expected it to be.

soo New Years is coming up 2009! I think that 2009 will be a better year for me, because pretty much i've learned through all of my mistakes and regrets. But really I made it through 2008 because I had the special people right next to me when I needed help... and when 2009 comes I know I can count on them.

Ate Camille:
Camille because she was the one that got me through my problems. She is a really close friend of mine, my sister; ate. If I didn't have her I wouldn't really be able to get through my problems. She gives me great advice and i really appreciate it. I can count on her anytime because she's always theere for me no matter what, through thick&&thin. I really love her no matter what people tell me because she's like the best person i've eveer met. Thanks for everything you done for me=) love you ate!

Uncle Poopie:
Rodney is my uncle, and he is another person that help me throughout 08'. Even though he's busy I know he can help me out sooner or later. His advice also helps me out. He's a protective uncle and really I appreciate that. I can really depend on him 24/7; 365. I love you poopie.

Mark is my brother. Through 08' me and him had to go through some changes moving houses and getting used to everything, and he is really one person that i can depend on when i need it even if its 1 am in the morning. When I feel like shit xD I CAN come to him but sometimes I don't. When 09' comes I want to learn how to talk to him so I don't feel like i'm trapped in my house. But even though my brother and I fight, I still love him no matter what, and hey we sometimes get along but next year will be even better. love you kuya.

Ate Anna:
Anna is my cousin. Okhay, well lately i've been coming to her for help and it gets me through everything. Even though she's not with me I know she is taking care of me and she has been since I was a baby. She is my best cousin I could have. Thanks for everything Ate Anna. I love you<3>

My bestfriend since kindergarten. okhay well i met her first in kindergarten ahah and like she was one person I could depend on. when I moved away in 2002 I felt like I would never see her again, then one day came when I saw her at the mall and I though we would be close again, but got no things to catch up with her then when this year came i saw her again and this time we got in contact and now were close again and knowing she'll be there for 09' my life will go so much easier knowing she's right there to catch me everytime I fall. love you bestie!

Ate Kaye: Kaye is my Ate. What can I say, she's like my twin. I can come to her anyday and everyday and when I talk to her about my problems I really can say she helps me because she's been through it too. She's really good help when I need it. 09' is going to be good with her because I know she is there to help me through it say and night, thick and thin.

Tammy: Tammy is my penguin. She is like my everything i'm not eve kidding. haha shes so cute xD. This girl is like ugh i'm speechless xD. Ever since I got close to her everything got more fun she is so funny and she always has a smile on my face. i've never seen her sad before lol. But without her everything would be gay xD i love you tammy!

Hang: Hang is my love. What can I say about her? hmmm? Well I just got close to her in 8th grade. And she's a really cool and fun person to han gout with. I can really say I trust her no matter what people tell me because she's the best. We have went through thick&&thin but still were good friends. Even thhough we don't talk as much or hang out as much I know were still friends. Love you hang. Well that really tops it all=) can't wait for 2009 I hope no I KNOW it will be better. Have a great new year's everybody! =)

Thursday, November 27, 2008


hey everybody, just dropping by real fast just to say HAPPY THANKSGIVING!=)<3 friend=") parents:
for encouraging me to keep my goals, to be what i am today. they help me out every single day even though they don't tell me things every day. i appreciate them being next to me every single day guiding me through my life, my quest, my journey, without them i would be restless. i love you guys very much and i hope everything goes great on thanksgiving!
i am very very thankful for having my sister camille in my life because she helps me throughout my problems. even though she doesn't have time for every single problem i have i know that she is out there listening to me and caring for me. knowing that a sister like her is out there for me is the best. i love her since the day we met. i love you ate and thanks for everything.
because he is my hero! he's the person that i come running to every single day. when i need help. he's one of those people that i can tell anything too, anything and everything. i love how he understands everything that i tell him because it helps me get out everything. and i am greatful for all the advice he tells me. i love you unclepoopie<3
because i love him. even though we don't talk as much or we don't communicate as much i know he is there to listen and help me throughout my life. he is a good influence to me and i try following his footsteps i love you kuya forever.
i am also thankful for having val my bestfriend in my life. he understand practically everything i tell him and no matter what we don't fight because we go through it. his action towards me is unbelievable. its great knowing that a guy is out there caring for me x] i love you val.
another person i am thankful for having in my life would be tammyKONG. she's the one that makes me smile every single day of my life since i met her=) i cant trust her with anything i tell her and i know she wouldn't tell anyone i trust her with my secrets. and mos especially i love the advice she gives me everyday when i need help. really if i didn't have her in my life then i would be worthless and a drag! tammy i love you always and forever know that k? thanks for being next to me every single day i love you so much=) 102008<3

i am thankful for having my good friend hangLE besides me everyday she guides me at points when i need it. and she gives me great advice. i can trust her with anything. shes like my twin shes so cool i love her. i am so glad that i got close to her this year[08] because probably without her i wouldn't be what i am now. and i would just have to say thanks han and i love you=)
and to top it all....

my family for helping me throughout me life.

i love you guys all and happythanksgiving=)

Saturday, October 18, 2008


I don't know why the f*** people go around school and tell other people shiet!

I am who I am! I don't give a shit if you guys think I'm changing, its high school EVERYONE CHANGES! So don't be going to other people saying that she's changing. OK I AM CHANGING AND I DON'T GIVE A SHIT OF WHAT YOU SAY! Yeh I have new friends, my attitude is different but fuck you need to change sometime! Don't judge me if you don't even know me, cause that is just BULLSHIT! Especially if I just met you don't judge me from what you hear and don't believe everything you hear! Don't go around talking about me because you don't even know me! Don't even try to fix things out with me; if you just gonna talk shit still. so just...FUCK OFF!

freakin get a life and judge yourself before others damn -_-"

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

weak OR strong??

"you have to be weak to realize your strong"

august 15th was the day I really got hurt...
I cried and cried and cried, but still I made it through...

but there is a reason i had made it through those 4 days; its because I had my family and my best friend right there with me..
[ate kaye, ate margaux, ate, trisha, ate marie,

really though without them I wouldn't be me now, strong and worthy.
the guy who hurt me wasn't the person I met at first.
i said bad things that I wanted to do to myself but then I talked everything through with all of them and they said it wasn't worth it, i realized yeah it wasn't. Crying was all I could do to let everything out but I shouldn't of cried over something worthless like him...

thanks for all the help you guys gave me.... :]

which the quote is true I got weak and now i realized that I am the strongest I could be.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

one word: cruising

shy shy shy shy shy;;

that's all i can say, shy is how i acted around the cruise lol :]

[monday] just went on a cruise to the Bahamas and it was soo much funners lol. the boat was called the Norwegian Sky a.k.a NCL for Norwegian Cruise Line. The first day we got on we went and looked around the boat and see what was on deck. the day i got on i saw this hellof cute ass guy, i didn't know his name at first but in the end i did, [that means you have to wait till the end to find his name]. so back to the beginning, our rooms (cabin) was small, maybe the size of my room haha, shower was hellofz small.

[tuesday] the second day while i was on the cruise i went to an island called Freeport the 2nd biggest island out of 200 islands that make up Bahamas. we took a tour around Freeport about 190 bucxx :/ it wasn't even that good of a tour lol. we went souveneir shopping at freeport on 2 places one was small and the other was big we moslty bought everything there.

[wednesday] going on to the third day i went to Atlantis, it was kind of boring because there was no one to hang out with besides adults/grown-ups, gurrr.. swimming at the beach was prtty fun; sooo salty hurts the eyes it burrnnns :O haha, i saw the AQUA-rium so biggaz stingrays oUch/z/z/z.. and fishez',',',',' no nimo or dory sadly garurrr lol.. wen we went back we went shopping again for souveneirs. it was so funny my dad was finding a louis vuton bag for my mom and we went everywhere, when he finally found one and he didn't have enough money so he told the lady "i will get my brother" and she said "yeah ok fine" when he came back the louis vuton bag was already to go, my dad told her" ill look around more, ill come back" then she said "how much you want to pay? just give me 45 now" and my dad was saying" ill come back later" so she just said" don't come back anymore!" lol it was so funny xD

[thursday] we went to a private beach.. it was more fun there because we went a little bit of snorkeling the sand was white sand which was much better, and just swimming. then we got up and ate and rest for a little. after that they went back and took a quick nap, when i got up i saw the guy again playing volleyball with his brother kevin, then they walked back after and he passed by me but he never saw me, but then when he was going back to the volleyball area he noticed me but then he didn't say hi to me. :/ sucxx sadly;; i saw erin after the guy and so i asked my dad if i could just go back to the ship with her because they were about to leave. and so i stayed and we got to go on da flotar thingy it was awesome :) that same night we met up with aaron, dylan and angela and hung out. while we went up to the 8th floor for erin we saw the guy i thought was cute annnddd.. [we finally found out what his name was] his name was matt, he is thaiwanese, and he is either 13 or 15 lol they heard one of those. we all got introduced with him so yeah..

[friday] the day we went home we woke up at 6 in the morning just so we could get in the fracking shuttle! uhhh so tired throughout the whole day, and throughout the whole day we were on airplanes in airports; asss hurt like frick! whatever and so i got home around 10 last night arrrrrrgg; so yeah no more v-cations.

so blah.dy-blah.d-blllaaaahhhgggg :P

Friday, July 25, 2008

Missing my Peanut Head

commentting is what we do.. .
[picture comment]

Jahmela. (July 22, 2008 4:06 PM)
cute ate miss you guys:)

[reg. comments]

DinDin. (Jul 22, 2008 4:16 PM)
I miss you too hun! You know what, when we were at the beach i kept wishing how much i wanted you to be there :( Ohh and i keep messing with andrew that he "secretly" likes you and he's not telling me the truth :] lol His slaps hurt like heck!! Hope to see you soon, i miss youu!

Jahmela. (Jul 22 2008 4:20 PM)
lol andrew??oh wait adrians lil bro haha thats pretty funny how old he again? lol miss u lots we shuld plan sumthing b4 skool strts again

DinDin. (Jul 22, 2008 4:29 PM)
Yup, of course you still remember him.. its not like he's that hard to forget right? :D lol jk I think he's like 10 or 11 by now, gosh i have no clue lol I know, school sucks, Im having registrations pretty soon : ugh. When are you guys coming over here??

Jahmela. (Jul 22 2008 9:40 PM)
he pretty cute lol thats funny for me anyways idk wen u cuming here aha

DinDin. (Jul 23, 2008 1:17 AM)
See, i still remember hahaha :D I dont know, it seems like your place is across the world.. Im exaggerating too much :] lol Me missssss youu, pssst, "someone" kinda got cuter ^-^ you know who.

Jahmela. (Jul 23 2008 1:27 AM)
lol who who? ill try to cum there soon lol

DinDin. (Jul 23, 2008 12:01 PM)
The kuya hahaha, soo how are things going along with the guys?? :] hehe

Jahmela. (Jul 23 2008 12:30 PM)
adrfgdgian kuya??

DinDin. (Jul 23, 2008 12:37 PM)
LMAO! :D YES! At first i was like wth is that?! lol yup That was a pretty smooth move, we might not know actually reads our pages...^-^

Jahmela. (Jul 23 2008 1:29 PM)
lol he is pretty cute lol im single now u know dat ate? p.s. has a nice body.. :) lol

DinDin. (Jul 23, 2008 2:06 PM)
I was about to ask you how you and andy were, wait thats his name right? Oh i see.. well being single is fun :D Look how i turned out -_- lol jk He sure does! Hahahaa you should of been there

Jahmela. (Jul 23 2008 3:52 PM)
its been about 5 months already and yeah his name is andy... but anyways i saw ur picxx at the beach omg cuteness

DinDin. (Jul 24, 2008 12:20 PM)
The beach was fun, besides the part when my face started turning red because of the long sun exposure : Chris thought i was blushing because of so and so but no... lol I MISS YOU!!! So are you guys still together or what? Im confused.

Lol. That's all for now! PEACE! :)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Convo with Geh-May-May :)

[23:23] whathefunkGEMMA: yo
[23:23] whathefunkGEMMA: who else you talking to?
[23:23] MahalKita1294: no one
[23:23] MahalKita1294: sadly
[23:24] whathefunkGEMMA: haha
[23:24] whathefunkGEMMA: you taking care of mommy?
[23:24] MahalKita1294: sleepy
[23:24] whathefunkGEMMA: oh
[23:24] whathefunkGEMMA: icic
[23:25] whathefunkGEMMA: i'm mad!!!!!!
[23:25] MahalKita1294: y?
[23:25] MahalKita1294: oh
[23:25] whathefunkGEMMA: fucking america
[23:25] whathefunkGEMMA: UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[23:26] whathefunkGEMMA: wanna video chat i'm bored
[23:26] whathefunkGEMMA: ?
[23:27] MahalKita1294: k
[23:27] MahalKita1294: hahhaha
[23:27] whathefunkGEMMA: k
[23:27] MahalKita1294: i didnt see that
[23:28] MahalKita1294: the fucking america
[23:28] MahalKita1294: shit hilarious
[23:28] whathefunkGEMMA: haha
[23:28] whathefunkGEMMA: wow
[23:28] MahalKita1294:
[23:28] whathefunkGEMMA: whats it?
[23:28] MahalKita1294: christian adn me
[23:30] whathefunkGEMMA: christi
an what you?
[23:30] MahalKita1294:
[23:31] whathefunkGEMMA: that was hella funny
[23:31] MahalKita1294: thncxx
[23:31] whathefunkGEMMA: np
[23:31] MahalKita1294: my fucking shitty computer
[23:31] MahalKita1294: being shitty
[23:32] whathefunkGEMMA: did you call me from a blocked number this morning?
[23:32] MahalKita1294: ?
[23:32] MahalKita1294: no that was mine
[23:33] whathefunkGEMMA: your what?
[23:33] MahalKita1294: im waht?
[23:33] MahalKita1294: im singing
[23:33] MahalKita1294: IM SPRUNG
[23:35] MahalKita1294: hld up watching vid
[23:35] whathefunkGEMMA: k
[23:35] whathefunkGEMMA: haha
[23:37] whathefunkGEMMA: christians still at you house?
[23:37] MahalKita1294: yeah
[23:37] whathefunkGEMMA: did you just call me a nigger?
[23:37] MahalKita1294: oh
[23:37] MahalKita1294: no
[23:37] MahalKita1294: randy
[23:37] whathefunkGEMMA: oh
[23:38] whathefunkGEMMA: JOE JONAS IS HOT!!!!!!!!
[23:39] whathefunkGEMMA: haha
[23:39] whathefunkGEMMA: its true
[23:39] whathefunkGEMMA: i was watching camp rock
[23:39] whathefunkGEMMA: he looked
[23:39] whathefunkGEMMA:
[23:39] whathefunkGEMM
A: !
[23:41] MahalKita1294:
[23:42] whathefunkGEMMA: whos that
[23:46] MahalKita1294: one of my frends i met from jennifer his name is craig
[23:46] MahalKita1294: now watch this one
[23:46] MahalKita1294:
[23:47] whathefunkGEMMA: he's cute
[23:47] whathefunkGEMMA: haha
[23:47] whathefunkGEMMA: jk
[23:49] whathefunkGEMMA: ohhh
[23:49] MahalKita1294: yawppers
[23:49] whathefunkGEMMA: haha
[23:51] whathefunkGEMMA: that vid is funny
[23:51] whathefunkGEMMA: of you and christian
[23:53] MahalKita1294:
[23:54] whathefunkGEMMA: i think guys who turf, gig, and c-walk, bboys, hip-hop, is a BIG HUGE turn on
[23:54] MahalKita1294: fuck dude i hella agree
[23:54] MahalKita1294: any guy that guy can dance turns my light switch on lol
[23:54] MahalKita1294: [corny]
[23:55] whathefunkGEMMA: hahah
[23:55] whathefunkGEMMA: yeap
[23:55] whathefunkGEMMA: noels
[23:55] whathefunkGEMMA: one
[23:55] whathefunkGEMMA: joke line
[23:55] whathefunkGEMMA: thing is funnay hunnay
[23:55] MahalKita1294: lol
[23:55] whathefunkGEMMA: haha
[23:56] MahalKita1294: lol
[23:56] whathefunkGEMMA: you think we'll still all be friends in highschool?
[23:56] MahalKita1294: this is on my blogger
[23:56] MahalKita1294: lol
[23:56] MahalKita1294: expect ima minus the vid
[23:56] MahalKita1294: and like sum of the names
[23:56] MahalKita1294: lol
[23:57] whathefunkGEMMA: haha
[23:57] whathefunkGEMMA: blogger?