Monday, August 24, 2009

Sophomore Classes.

A-Period: P.E. w/ Ashmore

1st Period: Spanish 1 w/ Charron

2nd Period: English 2 CP w/ Alcott

3rd Period: Geometry w/ Dominguez

4th Period: Chemistry w/ Torkelson

5th Period: Advanced Choir w/ Ehling

6th Period:World History w/ Ratto

So tell me if we have classes together; yeah?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

SHIT! Because I miss you, and it seems like nothing matter's anymore.

If only the things that happened didn't happen, you would still have feelings for me.

Monday, August 17, 2009

lay it out here.

Don’t expect me to be talking to much. Got that straight? Not going to eat much either, I’d rather starve myself. As soon as school starts it’s all about paying attention in school. I ain’t going to get caught up in every one’s drama, try not to get caught up in fuckin’ guys, and talk to my parents if needed. Don’t give me conversations about anything, ask me a question I’ll answer then leave. GOT THAT?!! My life is fucked up, and to make it easier ^^^ that’s the way it’s going to go. I’m living in hell. literally.

and for now on catch me on tumblr, I ain't being explained on two sites. Get caught up in my life on tumblr.{} got that straight?!

Friday, August 14, 2009


So I really don't update this blog that much anymore;; so you can hit up my tumblr:; sho yeah?

khay peace

So I really don't update this blog that much anymore;; so you can hit up my tumblr:; sho yeah?

khay peace

Thursday, August 6, 2009


tumblr is more of an addiction than blogspot is to it.

Monday, August 3, 2009

getaway anybody?

Don't you ever wish that you can go on a big adventure, a getaway? I do all the time.

Feeling trapped in a room, tight spot, close to your peers or family? You have no where to go and you're just really tired of everything, tired of all the noise, screaming and yelling, getting in trouble, everything else. They give you thoughts of just escaping all of that racket, going somewhere else, anywhere else but where you are right now. Take a few days out, by yourself, or with few others? Knowing that no one can stop you and you have all the time in your life, to leave and come back. Knowing that you don't have to deal with anything else but yourself, on that night, having the time of your life. Shutting all the lights down, turn that noise off, close your lips, don't say a word. What do you hear? A soft breeze going through your hair, crickets in the wavy grass, and eyes floating down slowly. Now tell me what you see? PITCH BLACK! Relaxed? May I ask? Response: -----;; just a deep breath. All of a sudden you hear such a thing going through your mind. What do you hear? Such a sound loud but soft. You open your eyes, and then you see your in that room. But hey, guess what you just went on an adventure through where you are aha. Sometimes, just closing your eyes, listening to music, blocking every other annoying sound, will bring your mind some place you'll like to take an adventure one day. And you don't have to worry about going anywhere, at least.... for now(;

Saturday, August 1, 2009

past, present eerrr future?

what do you think about more? things from before, where you are now, or what will happen later?

maybe just a lil bit of everything dontcha think?;; or wait no, first think about it.

Let's start from the past shall we?; people say "Oh, man just forget about your past. Move on. Don't make no regrets, and if you do forget about them." aha. You guys are funny, have you guys ever thought that when sometimes people think about their past, that they maybe thinking about good times in the past; and not just the bad things? Well yeah they can. I look at my past daily, thinking of the fun times I had, and people I miss. Yesterday is part of your past, so basically everybody thinks about past right? But don't you wish you can bring back your past to where you are now and re-live it? TIME MACHINE!

Moving on to present can we?; So yeah then they all say "don't think about your past nor your future and live today, that's why they call it present" aha YES we all know that!; every step and breath you take. That what happens from where you are, but really my question is, what is so special about the present? Nothing to think about really it'll only lead you think about your past or future aha! So what kinda present is this? It's not really wrapped in pretty, shiny paper and a bow? ahaa.

Thinking of the future yet? Well duh, last but not least their gonna tell you "don't worry about your future, whatever happen, happens" Not really. You have to think about your future at SOME point, hello like college, job? Sheesh people you guys are so harsh. Let a person be you ain't them aha, get your own life. Mannn xD.

But yeah you see the difference of past, present and future. Which one do you think most of?

Well for my it's my past, because I had pretty good times, and yes also bad. But aye you can't stop me from thinking of what happened before(: Let's just say past is past and I miss it, and even tho I don't have any time machine, ima try to get some of the things I miss or good memories, and re-live it(;