Saturday, October 18, 2008


I don't know why the f*** people go around school and tell other people shiet!

I am who I am! I don't give a shit if you guys think I'm changing, its high school EVERYONE CHANGES! So don't be going to other people saying that she's changing. OK I AM CHANGING AND I DON'T GIVE A SHIT OF WHAT YOU SAY! Yeh I have new friends, my attitude is different but fuck you need to change sometime! Don't judge me if you don't even know me, cause that is just BULLSHIT! Especially if I just met you don't judge me from what you hear and don't believe everything you hear! Don't go around talking about me because you don't even know me! Don't even try to fix things out with me; if you just gonna talk shit still. so just...FUCK OFF!

freakin get a life and judge yourself before others damn -_-"